ESO Guides - If you are a fan of the Elder Scrolls series, then you most likely have heard of the Daedric Princes, or Daedra. They are cruel, godlike beings that choose whether or not to to give mortals that please them their sacred items of power, or the Daedric Artifacts, More ESO News and Guides on, you will learn more skills there.
There are 17 Daedric Princes in total, and only 1 is not present in Skyrim, Jyggalag. all 16 others have quests and artifacts, some even having branching choices. The origins of the name 'Daedra' is elven, for "Not our ancestors".
If you are a fan of the Elder Scrolls series, then you most likely haven't heard of the Aedra. The Aedra are merciful, nice, generous, and patient beings, often called gods by mortals in Mundus, and especially in Nirn, where Tamriel and surrounding continents are.
Nicknamed "The Nine Divines", the Aedra accept anyone who chooses to worship them, and happily accept their shrines, no matter where they are, unlike the Daedra, who force their followers to build shrines very far away from civilization, and are racist in who can follow them, mostly letting Dunmer and Orsimer worship them, as they made those two races. The origin of the name "Aedra" means "Our Ancestors".
This is just the beginning of a new series that I am working on, and I call it: "The Daedra vs. The Aedra". I hope you guys enjoy it.
BTW This is all my own thoughts, nothing copied from the Wiki, mainly because plaigirism, and also I think up all my material.